Rappers Can Blog Too...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Her Loves A Thousand Miles Away....

Man, they say that the top is lonely. I feel where they're coming from. I work hard and do a lot of shit and it's sometimes hard when you don't have someone to share that with, like not on no emo or "omg im desperate" shit, but it's true.

There's a saying like "behind every good man, there's a good woman", or something like that. But it's weird tho, but im like whatever, woman come and go, not to sound fucked up or nothing, but until I find that ONE SPECIAL GIRL im just gonna be working on my music 24/7.

Any of my exes reading this, DON'T FEEL LIKE I MISS YO ASS we're obviously not together because you didn't fit the criteria. But im good, just gonna keep making music and living life and doing everything to make it to the top and stay there.
Welcome To Heartbreak - Kanye West Feat. Kid Cudi
This song explains me...It's like I go out places with my friends and I can brag about who im working with or the clothes or shit I do, but then there happy with there girl. And im like damn, it's weird because I got everything they may want, and they got that one thing I want. But now it's like as long as I got my music im good, she'll come one day...hopefully.

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