Rappers Can Blog Too...

Monday, October 19, 2009


Trying to finish two projects, videos, balance school and maintain a social life isn't the easiest thing. Somehow, someway I'll make it happen. Got a few videoshoots coming up, doing a few features for people, etc. I thank God that I even have the oppurtunities I have and the talent as a producer and rapper. I get messages from people all over now, I don't get big headed and full of myself, I have a lot of growth and maturing ahead as an artist/person. As an upcomer I feel like being humble is the best way to go...I stay away from certain people and just keep positivity in my circle. Shouts to Ran & Sheyanne Peace, I've got nothing but love for yall, success is coming. And to everybody else doing their thing, I've met a lot of people these past couple of weeks...life's good. Be Cool.

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