Rappers Can Blog Too...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Good Living.

Haven't had time to blog on the regular like I usually do. Been running round the city a lot, networking, finishing up stuff, etc. So far "Tops Come Down" has been getting it's little buzz on, and now we're getting ready for the video shoot on the 26th. I'm almost done with the tape, and I'll release one more song before the release of "Hometown Hero" in August. But people can always hit me on the Twitter incase I'm M.I.A from blogging and what not..

1 comment:

Max Gibson said...

Yo congrats on the music so far. The music game is changing before our eyes and the people with the most talent and drive will succeed. Keep up the great work, and keep us posted on the blog. Feel free to hit us up if you're looking from promotion.

Max Gibson